Joy in the Journey. What does it mean? Here we are entering 2021 and some people may have experienced an amazing 2020 while others want 2020 to be over and are praying there will be a magic wand waved and "poof" 2021 will be perfect! Maybe even retrofitted to 2019. Is that what we really want? Do we have eyes that only want to see through rose colored glasses? As a believer I know the Lord doesn't promise me a perfect life or a life without heartache or troubles or questions. He promises me a life with Him. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13 Isn't that what I really desire? Strength? And not my strength. I used to be pretty strong before I had Lymes Disease but I was still never stronger than the Lord. It isn't physical strength the Bible is talking about anyway. Its Spiritual strength. Don't I want to be spiritually strong? I DO! How do I get there? By spending time with Him. Listening. By reading His Word and walking it out. By praying and petitioning to the only ONE who can hear AND answer my prayers. He changes me, He renews me, He gives me strength and in that He gives me JOY! Why joy? Because I know that all things work together for my good if I am in Christ Jesus. So I do not need to fear or be anxious about ANYTHING. So that gives me bubbling up, overwhelming joy. It doesn't mean my life is perfect or that I don't mess up or that I am the perfect size 2 like my daughter or that my marriage could be on a Hallmark movie. No. It means that through all of the daily tasks, goals, dreams, challenges, hardships, disappointments I know that my God is faithful, He loves me and He's got my back. ALWAYS. He will never leave me or forsake me. So I live in Joy. I walk in Joy. I breath in faith and exhale Joy. My face lights up. I smile. I sing.