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Peace, Just as I am


The other day I was encouraged to ponder the word Peace. I was in a little bit of a funk. Do you know what that is like? To be in a funk? I had just gotten back from an amazingly relaxing vacation besides a few hiccups…(our youngest son almost got kicked of the airplane, I tested positive for covid when we got home)…but our oldest children had just left the house to pursue their adult adventures in other states…. our youngest 2 were busy with their stuff….my husband was working away at his crazy job….and it was quiet in my home. Quiet. Calm. Peaceful. Hmmm…. I didn’t know what to do with myself. Isn’t that funny! I had gotten so used to chaos and busy for the last 6 months or so that when the whirlwind died down, I felt lost. My natural bent is to focus on others needs and feel what others are feeling. That is why Life Coaching is such a great fit for me because it is how the Lord naturally made me and I LOVE, love, love seeing breakthrough and transformation in others’ lives! Love it so much that if we didn’t have bills and financial obligations I would coach for free, always. So here I was in a funk and not feeling very peaceful.

So, let’s think about peace a minute. Maybe this whole last year or so has felt like someone has robbed you of your peace. Maybe you feel like you ebb and flow in and out of being in a funk. Maybe each day just seems like enough on its own and you cannot imagine focusing on more than today. Why is that? Do you know there is really only one way to truly find peace?

Think for a minute about all the ways you try to find or muster up peace. What are they? List them out.

Tell me, do any of those things bring deep, lasting, abiding peace? Or do those things bring a sense of peace for just a short while until you need to find something else….to…. fill…. the…. void.

What happens if we just sit with ourselves awhile in quiet solitude? Its hard to do for a lot of us.

That is what I did. I sat for a long time and thought about peace and this is what the Lord brought to me.

1. Peace only comes from having a relationship with Jesus. Deep, abiding, never ending, true, whole, peace that “surpasses all understanding” Philippians 4:7

2. I can focus on peace every day. I can focus on what is true and right and good in my life. In my family’s life. Asking the question, “What’s at peace in my life today?”

3. To live a life of true JOY I need to first have peace in my heart, soul, mind, body and spirit.

4. If I am not experiencing peace why not? What do I need to change or do?

Here are some Bible verses on peace that have been meaningful to me.

*John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

*Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

*1 Corinthians 14:33 God is not the author of confusion but of peace.

My friends I pray you would experience that deep, abiding, surpasses all understanding peace.

After I spent some time pondering the word peace that day my heart was lighter. The smile returned to my face. My Spirit was filled with joy. It didn’t matter what happened the rest of that day. Circumstances do not dictate my peace. My peace comes from knowing my Savior and allowing Him to wrap His arms of love and peace around me. Just as I am.




2020 Love Spoken Christian Life Coaching

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