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Wow! Now what.


The other day I wrote about Peace. And this past weekend we spent time thinking about the death and resurrection of Jesus. That peace that surpasses all understanding filled my whole weekend. It was an internal peace. Its so good to think about what God did for us by sending us His Son Jesus. I often think about what I would have done if I would have been one of the women who traveled with Jesus. What would I have done when He was taken away, when He was being accused of blasphemy, when He was hanging on the tree and dying? Would I have remembered His Words, His Love, His Life or would I have felt despair, pain, sadness, uncertainty, fear, anxiety? All of it? Its interesting that it was 2 women who woke up and ran to the tomb to prepare Jesus’ body. What were the guys doing? The women wanted to DO something. So typical. I think I would have wanted to do something too! I couldn’t just sit around and sulk and be sad and look! They saw Him first! They received the good news first! They saw the miracle of the stone being moved away and Jesus’ body gone first! Wow! Wow! Wow! What would I have done???? What? How could this be? What is happening? Now what??? Well, the Lord told them the Now What. And the beautiful thing is He tells us too.

So today I was reading 3 small verses in the Bible. 3.

John 14:25-27

“All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

Wow! Wow! Wow! You see Jesus came back after He rose from the dead and spent time with His disciples and friends and many others. But He loved them and us SO much that He wanted to leave a part of himself with us and so when we know Jesus and have a relationship with Him then we receive THE most Amazing Gift! We receive the Advocate, the Holy Spirit. Wow! Honestly, there is no greater gift He could have given us (after being saved and redeemed and forgiven and the gift of Eternal life of course).

What does the Advocate, the Holy Spirt do? Let’s see what Jesus said.

He will teach us ALL things.

He will remind us of EVERYTHING Jesus said.

Peace. The Holy Spirit gives us peace. How? Because we know that it is Jesus speaking to us through the power of the Holy Spirit and that gives us peace. Its HIS peace and presence. Its that “peace that surpasses all understanding” peace.

It is not the worlds peace. What peace does the world give us anyway? Can you name one thing the world has given you peace about? Honestly?

A big one for us right now-The Holy Spirit allows us to live without troubled hearts and to live without fear. Wow!

Really? What more could you ask for? Think about it. Right now on this day in history what more could you ask for? If everyone knew the love of Jesus. If everyone lived by the power of the Holy Spirit what would our world look like? Wow! I guess that is my word today. Just Wow!

Thank you Jesus that you loved us SO much that you gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit and because of that gift I can know you, you are forever with me, I can live in peace which means I don’t need to have a troubled heart or live in fear. I have the gift of Hope and Joy and Love and Peace. All because of You, Jesus. Amen and Wow!




2020 Love Spoken Christian Life Coaching

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